Thursday, January 23, 2014

Teel 'Em That It's My Birthday

It's my birthday bitch! (well, yesterday)
Es mi cumpleaños! (bueno, ayer)

It was my birthday yesterday, and as a gift, I got a shopping spree! I was so happy, I swear, and im having a party tomorrow, i'll post the outfit around the weekend, maybe... The skirt (yep, not a skort like the other ones) is impossible to find online! The sunglasse were a Christmas present from my grandma around hmm... a year ago? Don' remember, whatever.

Fue mi cumpleaños ayer, y como regalo, me fui de compras! Estuve tan feliz, lo juro, y voy a tener fiesta mañana, talves subo el outfit por el fin de semana...La falda es impossible de encontrar!Los lentes fueron un regalo de Navidad de mi abuelita ase como hmmm...un año? noimporta....

top zara
skirt zara
shoes topshop
sunglasses rayban


  1. Happy Birthday. Hope it was a good one

  2. Happy birthday! Hope you had lots of fun!


    Deal Diary

  3. Un poco tarde pero feliz cumpleaños bonita!
    Ibas preciosa, un beso.


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