Friday, July 11, 2014

Black Like My Soul

click for outfit details

Momma wanted a very touristy picture today, why the hell not?


I don't think I've mentioned it before but Louis Vuitton store windows are like THE BEEEEST YAAAAAS, and Kate Spade, gotta give them a little shout out cause it's thanks to them I got so interested into fashion and fine arts and things like that. This, again, is a pretty minimalistic look, cheers!You can even see I tried hard with my eyeliner, more like outliner ,get it get it? New York has really inspired me lately, even though i've migrated to Pratt campus until August. It's been really hard to ask someone if they'd do me the enormous favor of taking my pictures because it sounds really lame, super lame actually... Quick comment on the video i'm posting below, this girl is seriously mind blowing fucking incredible, shit you not I got goosebumps while watching this video.

No creeo que lo e mendcionado anted pero las ventanas en Louis Vuitton son como que lo MEJOOOOOOOR, y Kate Spaed, tengoque darles credito. Creeo que son una gran parte de porque me interese tanto en la moda y el arte y cosas por el estilo. Este look, otravez, a sido inspirado por el minimalismo, tengo que admitir que Nueva York enserio me a estado inspirando mucho, aun si me acavo de mudar a los dormitorios de Pratt hasta Agosto. Tambien e tenido mucho problema con las fotos, no encuentro quien me las pueda tomar! Me da verguenza preguntar, para ser honesta, suena medio estupido preguntar algo asi...Un comentario en el video que estoy poniendo abajo, esta niNa es honestamente una madre bailando, juro que me dieron escalofrios mientras veia este video, demasiado bueno.

top zara
clutch zara
hat hm


  1. Ahh, oh my goodness, those Docs! I had been eyeing them for ages before I bought a similar pair by Cheap Monday. They look so good with your outfit, I love it.

  2. I love this outfit! It's so cool, and edgy!
    xoxo, Mai ♥

  3. Un look mas que fantastico!

  4. I'm always for all black look ;) looooove your hat! xoxo


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